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W a l l e r e t a l ( 2 0 1 1 ) S c a n . J . G a s t r o
Study Design: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, and dose-ranging trial.
Subjects: 100 adults (25-65 years) with GI symptoms
Duration: Daily for 2 x Weeks
HN019™ High dose: 17.2Bn CFU/day. n=33.
HN019™ Low dose: 1.8Bn CFU/day. n=33
Placebo control: n=33
HN019™ led to improvement in GI symptoms such as regurgitation, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, and irregular bowel movements
High-dose group showed a reduction in 8 out of 9 functional GI symptoms, while 7 out of 9 symptoms were reduced in the low dose group
HN019™ was shown to be safe and well tolerated
S l y k e m a n e t a l 2 0 1 7
Study Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Subjects: 423 pregnant women, with 380 breastfeeding women completing a questionnaire on psychological outcomes postpartum.
Duration: Subjects were administered HN001™ or a placebo starting from the second trimester until six months postpartum if breastfeeding.
Probiotic Dose: HN001™ 20 billion CFU/day.
Depression Scores: Women in the HN001™ group exhibited significantly lower depression scores postpartum compared to the placebo group (p = 0.037).
Anxiety Scores: Similarly, anxiety scores were also significantly lower in the HN001™ group (p = 0.014).
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